Any Soldier

So I added a new link to my links area. I had heard of this organization a while ago but ran into on another blog.  So I stumbled onto Any Soldier and was really touched by it’s mission. My husband receives letters from me, and care packages from both his family and myself. However there are soldiers who do not get letters or care packages from back home. I started reading through a few of the wish lists from some of the contacts on the site and was moved to take on a unit. So I have an address and am going to start sending off things.

Oh and I also was told about the flat rate boxes I could order for free on the US postal Service site. This is going to be a lot of fun. Heck I love shopping and helping others is part of who I am so this is right up my alley.  Another thing to keep myself busy while my soldier is deployed.

~ by Green Eyed Girl on September 7, 2009.

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